Helsinki Careers Office, around the turn of the millennium
"So, young man, we've got your test results here. Did you have something specific in mind for your future?”
"Yes, I'm going to be the frontman for the biggest, heaviest, most hardcore metal band the world has ever seen or heard – my publicist can get you a signature, but you don't really meet the requirements to be a groupie... "
"Hmm.. it's good to dream, but have you considered something simpler? Perhaps a more secure career path? Maybe you could play poker for a living, or become the first Suomi Sumo wrestler?”
"Fuuuuuuuuck-off! My band will conquer the universe and I'll be sure to tell my followers that careers advisers are just failed comedians who've never even played air-guitar!”
"Oh-kayyy then... We're almost done here. Just remember to have a back-up plan, and do please tell me, what's the name of your band?”
"Moose Sick Motherfucker.”
"Uh-huh. Just curious... is that 2 words or 3?”
"Screw this – I've got a world tour to plan.”
Prague, CZ, (almost) present day
As the lush clumps of his former hairiness hit the ground, our hero is mentally reinventing himself from rock god to the poker god that he will become. Today he would prove his ultra-long-term strategy, whereby virtually zero results for an entire year give way to the crushing domination of the big game that his poker skills deserve. Moose Sick may have been more number two than number one, but in Holdem nobody expects the Finnish in position!
And so there was a game, which resulted in Sean and Janne heads-up. With the chip stacks virtually even, one move proved decisive. Sean hit his 8 on the flop, Janne pushed all-in with 2 overs and a flush draw. When the flush came, Sean was left with 4 chips and a chair - 400 against 137,600 – that's 344/1. At least the poker gods didn't tease Sean, and it ended one hand later.
And so the drama of the PGL is over for 2024. We start with a clean slate for 2025, where anything can happen if you dream big enough. Just remember, anything you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. But if you see any Finns at your table, you're probably playing with sharks.